18 April 2011

Danger Zone

Unfortunately, I've reached a point in my training where
I'm seriously questioning what the hell I was thinking signing up for Ironman.
Last week I had a 20 mile training run that was, to put it mildly, horrendous!
I couldn't help but ask myself for those 4 terrible hours,
"if you can't do this, what makes you think you can do this after
swimming 2 miles and biking 112?!"
So far, I've been able to maintain a positive outlook on the whole event,
but I'm starting to have my doubts.
I have faith that this too shall pass.
I have a lot invested in this...
Perhaps it's time for a new inspirational tattoo?
Suggestions Anyone?

07 April 2011

Meet George & Martha

We had another great trip to the Nation's Capital and another great race. This time we had the privilege of running through the amazing cherry blossoms that were in full bloom. Amazingly enough, I was able to keep pace with Patrick and we averaged a speedy (for me at least) 9:27 minute mile. Plus, we both kept the wigs on the entire race! They helped keep our heads warm 'cause it was definitely a chilly start!

I also found my new favorite race shirt....

(it says "does this shirt make my butt look fast?")

We took the Amtrak train out and people, if you ever get a chance, take the train, it's totally our preferred way to travel - and get the sleeper car!

And what race or trip wouldn't be complete without a cupcake from DC cupcakes! yum!