23 May 2011


I recently learned that if my anticipated finish time for Ironman is 17 hours,

I can expect to burn approximately 11,900 calories!

And consume about:
20 20oz bottles of water,
1,800 calories from electrolyte drinks,
25 gels (or their equivalent),
8 energy bars.
To Equal about 7000 calories during the day.

Burn Baby Burn!

22 May 2011

Arch Nemesis

Each riding season, I am attacked by these
territorial unruly little buggers
I DO NOT like it, not one bit!

17 May 2011


This is a piece of art I picked up for my recently painted bathroom.
Everyday I look at it and read it, I am reminded to:
unleash your creative spirit
embrace your truth
let it go
unleash your joy
embrace vulnerability
surround yourself with good people
ask for what you need
manifest courage
find beauty in the small
quiet the inner critic
wear more skirts
own your talent
speak of your gratitude
leap fearlessly
do the thing you never thought you could do

07 May 2011


Best Marathon EVER!
Despite the 40 hills and 2700 feet in climb.
I would not have made it here without you Emily!

At this point we were all so emotionally exhausted and I was still hesitant...

Here is the temporary road fix at the site of the collapse and
the reason for the out & back course.

Waiting in the soup isle at the Safeway Grocery store because we were shivering outside!
Here a few of my favorite mile markers!

Mile one made me laugh only because we had to get ready in the pitch black due to a power outage in the hotel...we were ready to have to jump through fire at the end of this race!
Always waiting in line for the potty!

No Joke! 40 HILLS!
Mile 20 was a happy site for me, 'cause I was still feeling pretty good and my last training run (which was HORRIBLE) was about to be behind me!

Singing praises at the finish!

Can't beat this view!