31 January 2011

January Stats

One Month Down!

Here are my approximate training stats to date:

Minutes spent swimming - 360
Minutes spent biking - 490
Minutes spent running - 480
Minutes spent working core/yoga - 150

Impressive Right?

30 January 2011

Of This I'm Sure

You know you have an AMAZING running partner when you suggest a run at 5am and without hesitation, she responds,

"5am? Sure. Why Not?"

I'm seriously wondering how many times I'm going to blog

"Thank you, Emily."

"Thank you, Jessica."

Thanks again, Emily.

20 January 2011

A Few Of My Favorite Things

Here's a short list of good things this week, but certainly is not an all inclusive list, good things happen to me ALL THE TIME:

1. One of my running partners & best friends said to me "look how strong you've become, you're running so much stronger at the end of your runs now" I seriously could have cried, it made me feel so good.

2. While running on the treadmill I literally visualized myself running (ok, let's not fool ourselves) wogging - that's slang for walk/jog, the course for Ironman after getting off the bike and seeing my friends and family cheering me on. It made me tear up, just thinking about it!

3. As I was swimming at the pool, a fit young man started swimming next to me and I was able to keep up with him...for awhile anyway.

4. I was on the bike trainer and "just for fun" I stayed on for two more songs because I love to spin to the beat! Crazy, right?

5. A friend & coworker said to me that she was looking at my blog and "loves how honest it is." First of all, I was so flattered that people are actually looking at my blog especially someone that I admire so much. Second, I should have told her that honesty is really all that I know, probably to a fault. Third, I wish that everyone who looked at my blog would leave comments, it is SUPER motivational!

16 January 2011

A Princess Must Practice

Yes, I'm wearing a tutu on the treadmill and for good reason - really. Patrick and I are running the Disney Princess Half Marathon at the end of February - IN COSTUME!

I want to make sure that A) the petticoat will not fall down to my knees and B) that it's not going to drive me crazy.

After all, it's not about the race, it's about looking good...like a princess. Well, at least I'll have my prince by my side. However, I told him he can ditch me after we run through the castle...

12 January 2011

Just Keep Swimming

I am happy to report that I LOVE swimming and probably will until I'm 90 years old. I'm not a fast swimmer but at least I actually enjoy it. I love that you can get this great workout without having any PAIN afterward, unlike biking or running. That's not to say that jumping into icky Lake Mendota with 2,000 other people sounds like a good idea to me, but I know I will survive and for most Ironman competitors, surviving the swim is all that they hope for! As you can see from my photo, wearing a swim cap, goggles, and a skin tight wet suit is not attractive, but they are necessary evils. I'm thinking that one of my later posts should be a video of me getting INTO my wetsuit...it's a workout in and of itself! It would be worth a good laugh anyway. Come to think of it, no workout gear is particularly attractive on me. I'm always in search of cute fitness attire, thus the reason for the running skirts and fun bike jerseys. It's the little things that keep me happy.

08 January 2011

This is My Bike - The Truth

So, the rifleman's creed seemed inspiring to me when I wrote that post. Yes it's a copied speech, thanks to our Marine Corps, with "bike" exchanged for "rifle" just watch Full Metal Jacket. I needed the inspiration.

But the TRUTH is, I HATE the bike!

I have a VERY nice bike and it will get me through the event nicely, I'm not complaining about the actual bike...butt (haha) honestly my backside just revolts against sitting on a bike for any length of time, let alone 8 hours!
Well, off to spin...

Come on Ms. Perry, Ke$ha, and Family Guy, get me through this hour.

06 January 2011

Week One or Should I Say "Weak One"?

Well, I've made it through the first WEEK of training and I've realized I'M WEAK! I did my first P90X core training and it hurt to laugh the next day! Yikes!

I also did a group run with the Endurance House group and although it was close to the coldest run I've ever done to date, it felt great to say I did it! Thank goodness we have a hot tub in the back yard!

Each time I look ahead to all of my training I start to feel completely overwhelmed but my horoscope in the paper today read, "The days ahead look challenging, but you have yourself in your favor. You're feeling capable and able. Bring it on. Thank yourself."


02 January 2011

This Is My Bike

this is my bike. there are many like it, but this one is mine. my bike is my best friend. it is my life. i must master it as i must master my life. my bike, without me, is useless. without my bike, i am useless. i must ride my bike true. i must ride straighter than my enemy who is trying to beat me. i must pass him before he passes me. i will...

my bike and myself know that what counts in this event is not the miles we cover, the noise of our chain, nor the smoke we make. we know that it is the finish that counts. we will finish...

my bike is human, even as i because it is my life. thus, i will learn it as a brother. i will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its tires and its chain. i will ever guard it against the ravages of weather and damage as i will ever guard my legs, my arms, my eyes and my heart against damage. i will keep my bike clean and ready. we will become part of each other. we will...

before God, i swear this creed. my bike and myself are the defenders of my goals. we are the masters of our finish. we are the saviors of my life. so be it, until victory is mine and there is no failure, but victory!