20 January 2011

A Few Of My Favorite Things

Here's a short list of good things this week, but certainly is not an all inclusive list, good things happen to me ALL THE TIME:

1. One of my running partners & best friends said to me "look how strong you've become, you're running so much stronger at the end of your runs now" I seriously could have cried, it made me feel so good.

2. While running on the treadmill I literally visualized myself running (ok, let's not fool ourselves) wogging - that's slang for walk/jog, the course for Ironman after getting off the bike and seeing my friends and family cheering me on. It made me tear up, just thinking about it!

3. As I was swimming at the pool, a fit young man started swimming next to me and I was able to keep up with him...for awhile anyway.

4. I was on the bike trainer and "just for fun" I stayed on for two more songs because I love to spin to the beat! Crazy, right?

5. A friend & coworker said to me that she was looking at my blog and "loves how honest it is." First of all, I was so flattered that people are actually looking at my blog especially someone that I admire so much. Second, I should have told her that honesty is really all that I know, probably to a fault. Third, I wish that everyone who looked at my blog would leave comments, it is SUPER motivational!


  1. well if you keep on mentioning me, i'll keep on commenting. you know what an egomaniac i am. and btw i wasn't sure if i should make that comment to you because i didn't want you to take it the wrong way. not that we've ever worried about offending each other. but i'm glad you got it. you are really rocking.

  2. I love your list! I know you will be thinking of these comments on 9/11/11. We need to do the physical work, but the MENTAL strength will get us through. Thanks for sharing!

  3. First of all, I love your term, wogging. However, I think you under-estimate yourself and I think that by the time the event comes around, you'll do better than you can imagine right now. Your tale of swimming with the young man made me smile and made me give a little cheer your way for keeping up. I truly believe in the little motivations along the way. And finally, I recognized the conversation about your honesty. I wouldn't expect anything less from you and it's what makes you the great friend that you are. You are an inspiration to me every day, Lorie!
