18 April 2011

Danger Zone

Unfortunately, I've reached a point in my training where
I'm seriously questioning what the hell I was thinking signing up for Ironman.
Last week I had a 20 mile training run that was, to put it mildly, horrendous!
I couldn't help but ask myself for those 4 terrible hours,
"if you can't do this, what makes you think you can do this after
swimming 2 miles and biking 112?!"
So far, I've been able to maintain a positive outlook on the whole event,
but I'm starting to have my doubts.
I have faith that this too shall pass.
I have a lot invested in this...
Perhaps it's time for a new inspirational tattoo?
Suggestions Anyone?


  1. tattoo schmattoo. get yer butt on that bike or in the water. i'd be happy to whack at you with a paddle. how's that for inspiration? (besides, you don't want to turn into a postsecret entry, do you???)

  2. I'm with Jessica....and I've never known you to not finish what you put your mind to.

    If you must get a tattoo, how about a running shoe tread on your buttock so it looks like someone kicked you in the a$$.......just a thought :-)

  3. a bump in the road.
    not the first.
    not the last.
    you have one heck of a cheerleading squad, you know?! jessica and catherine, i say we start working on our uniforms...
