16 January 2011

A Princess Must Practice

Yes, I'm wearing a tutu on the treadmill and for good reason - really. Patrick and I are running the Disney Princess Half Marathon at the end of February - IN COSTUME!

I want to make sure that A) the petticoat will not fall down to my knees and B) that it's not going to drive me crazy.

After all, it's not about the race, it's about looking good...like a princess. Well, at least I'll have my prince by my side. However, I told him he can ditch me after we run through the castle...


  1. you make my heart sing. almost as much as emmett :)

  2. you just made running look fun to me, fun enough that i thought "hey, I'm gonna get on my treadmill tomorrow too!". no, really!!
    love hearing how the training is going, keep it up irongirl!
