08 January 2011

This is My Bike - The Truth

So, the rifleman's creed seemed inspiring to me when I wrote that post. Yes it's a copied speech, thanks to our Marine Corps, with "bike" exchanged for "rifle" just watch Full Metal Jacket. I needed the inspiration.

But the TRUTH is, I HATE the bike!

I have a VERY nice bike and it will get me through the event nicely, I'm not complaining about the actual bike...butt (haha) honestly my backside just revolts against sitting on a bike for any length of time, let alone 8 hours!
Well, off to spin...

Come on Ms. Perry, Ke$ha, and Family Guy, get me through this hour.


  1. so far, i totally agree with you. i dread getting on the trainer. and, i am supposed to do it today too. i ordered a new saddle, hoping i will fit on it better, but i am sure when it arrives next week, i will still dread it. :)
